It's simple & free..

Your online change of address service

Save time, money and stress by notifying over 1500 organisations about your new address details online.

Our 100% guarantee:
We NEVER sell or abuse your personal data »

About us

About Limited is the only online change of address service. Home movers enter their old address and new address once, select the organisations they want to notify, add some details and then send.'s service is secure, free and easy-to-use.

There are over around 1,500 organisations in more than 30 categories on the site that all accept notifications via our service. The majority accept the notifications electronically but some still require signatures such as Financial Services organisations which is for your security, but we are working hard to convert these companies. We list everyone you will need to notify from your mobile phone company like Vodafone, to loyalty cards such as Boots and Nectar, to all utilities such as British Gas, Scottish Power, to charitable organisations, to university alumni offices, as well as TV Licensing, DVLA, all local councils.

In addition, provides independent advice on the best deals and tariffs of every gas and electricity supplier serving your new home so that you do not end up paying more than you need to once you move in. We also cover broadband, pay TV and boiler insurance. is all about the customer - you come first and we hope you agree our exemplary attention to serving you exceeds your expectations! We make a small referral fee from all of our add-on services and thus why we can offer our change of address service free.

We have now also launched a stopjunk service based on feedback received from our customers saying they receive more junk mail in their new home than they ever did. They are right because when you move, you open yourself up to junk mail because your new address is provided to many parties from solicitors, banks, dubious websites and Royal Mail redirections, where it is sold to mailing lists. So we want to put an end to this as our customer service guarantee is we will NEVER sell your data. The customer comes first to us. And we only partner with companies that have the same values.

Our contact details are here.

Media Contact

To contact us, call Nick Mason 07903 237008
or email

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